Do Dobermans Shed – Doberman Shedding

Dobermans are the number one guard and personal protection dogs. This popular breed is very intelligent and trainable.

Dobermans have a short, sleek coat that comes mostly in black, but their coats can also be brown, blue, white, red, and tan. Their coats characteristically have tan-colored marks around the chest and muzzle.

Do Doberman Pinschers Shed A Lot?

Doberman Grooming

When one thinks about dogs shedding their coat, heavy shedders like Border collies and Malamutes come to mind – dogs with a double coat that’s shed twice a year.

You don’t think about short-coated dogs like the Doberman. In fact, many people think that dogs like Dobermans with short hair don’t shed. Well, that is simply not true. All dogs shed.

Some shedding is just more noticeable because the hair that is being shed is longer. So, do Dobermans shed? Yes, they do, but not a lot.

Doberman Shedding Frequency

These dogs are moderate shedders. Doberman Pinschers have a single coat, so they don’t have a heavy undercoat to shed twice a year as some other breeds do.

They shed all year round, but you will never see a ball of dog hair on the floor – it takes a while for hair to form clumps on the floor. A daily sweep is more than enough to handle hair that lands on the floor.

The best thing about Doberman hair is that it’s non-static. It won’t cling to your clothes or your upholstery, something many people detest.

The hair can stick to upholstery though because it’s stiff and pointy, so it will stick into the fabric. When this happens, it can be difficult to remove.

The Main Reasons Doberman Pinschers Shed

There are several reasons for Doberman shedding, apart from the fact that it’s natural for these dogs to shed throughout the year.

The shedding can be the result of a hereditary condition that causes bald patches that no amount of good care seems to resolve.

A poor diet can play a role. If a dog doesn’t receive a balanced and nutritious diet, it can lead to food deficiencies and abnormal hair loss. If you suddenly change your dog’s diet, it can also trigger additional hair loss.

Skin allergies and other skin conditions are the main reason dogs lose their hair. The skin condition Mange typically causes dogs to lose all their hair. Proper grooming, including using the right shampoo can help with this.

Insufficient or irregular grooming can also contribute to hair loss. Dobermans need their coats brushed at least once a week.

Do Dobermans Shed

Bathing your dog with the wrong shampoo that contains harsh chemicals can cause hair loss.

At some point, you may notice your dog shedding more than usual. For instance, an illness like cancer can cause your dog to lose all its hair.

The most common reason your dog may start shedding more than usual is stress. The stress can be caused by a number of factors like an addition to the family (a baby or a new pet) or moving to another house.

Any sudden change in your dog’s routine may trigger excessive hair loss.

How to Manage Your Doberman Shedding


Regular grooming is the answer to reducing shedding and having a clean house. It is very easy to groom Dobermans, which is one of the reasons why this breed is so popular.

Take your dog outside to brush his coat. Use a stiff bristle brush, or a rubber grooming mitt for the purpose. Brushing your dog’s hair once a week will help to remove loose hair from his coat and you will notice less hair in your house.

Another benefit of regular grooming is the positive effect it has on a dog’s coat. Regular grooming improves your dog’s coat by improving blood circulation and evenly distributing natural oils throughout its coat, leaving it with a lick, shiny appearance.

Doberman Shedding Frequency

You may notice that your dog seems to shed a little more during certain times of the year. When this happens, increase his grooming and brush him down every day.

You can wipe your dog’s coat once a week with a wet cloth. This will also help to get rid of dead hair.

Bathing & Shampoo

Compared to some other dogs that should only be bathed three or four times a year, Dobermans benefit from more regular bathing.

You can bathe your Doberman once a month to take care of the hair loss. If you bathe your dog more often, he can lose natural oils on his skin and coat, which could actually lead to more hair loss as it can cause dry and irritated skin.

Make sure the water is neither hot nor cold – just body temperature and use a good quality shampoo.

Dobermans are known for having sensitive skin, so avoid using commercial-grade shampoo for your dog. Choose a dog shampoo for sensitive skin or an oatmeal shampoo for dogs. These shampoos don’t irritate sensitive skin.

Anti-shed shampoos are not recommended for Dobermans. Since they don’t have a double coat and don’t shed excessively it’s pointless to use anti-shed shampoos for Dobermans.


Dobermans are large dogs, so they require a protein-rich diet. However, since they can suffer from kidney disease, eating a diet rich in protein can have a negative effect on their health.

Wet food can be used to supplement your Doberman’s dry food. Dobermans suffer from a disease called bloat, so they need some wet food with their dry kibble to reduce bloat. Use a slow feeder to minimize the chance of your dog wolfing down his food and developing bloat.

Doberman Diet

Wet food that contains some organic meat and a combination of vegetables is ideal. Fortunately, Dobermans love a little wet food.

Make sure the food contains a good amount of Omega-3 fatty acids. This will help to keep your dog’s skin and coat in top condition, which will help to minimize shedding. For this purpose, you can add some olive oil to the food as well.


All your dog’s nutritional needs should be met by the food that you feed him. Most good-quality dog food has all the nutrients your dog needs.

Whatever you do, don’t buy supplements without the recommendation of your veterinarian. A vet has the training to evaluate your dog’s condition and suggest supplements and proper dosage.

Having said that, most dogs can benefit from multivitamin supplements. If you are concerned about your dog’s coat, a multivitamin that contains fish oils will provide the omega-3 fatty acids he needs for a healthy coat.

However, simply giving him sardines with his kibble or some olive oil will also serve to keep your dog’s coat in top condition. You can do this instead of buying supplements.

Doberman Coats

Dobermans are single-coated dogs. They have a sleek and smooth coat of short hair. Some of them have a barely noticeable undercoat around the neck.

Their coat colors are black, brown, blue, white and black, red and tan. An outstanding feature of Dobermans is their rust markings which appear above each eye, on their muzzle, throat, and chest as well as and on their legs and feet.

Doberman Shedding

A Doberman’s coat needs minimal grooming. They tend to be clean dogs with minimal dog odor. However, they do shed and need regular brushing and bathing. Weekly brushing and monthly bathing are sufficient.

What Is the Difference between Shedding and Fur Loss?

When dogs lose their hair when they are sick, it is not part of normal shedding. It is fur loss due to the illness. It is the illness that causes the hair loss.

Various illnesses can cause fur loss, including adrenal diseases like Cushing’s disease. Also, allergies and infestations, and infections can cause fur loss. In these cases, the dog will present with patchy hair loss, not overall body hair loss.

With a hypothyroid dog, there will be a general thinning of the coat.

It’s best to visit a veterinarian to rule out any health problems.

Do Spayed & Neutered Dobermans Shed Less

Spaying and neutering seem to affect dogs with longer coats more than dogs with shorter coats. Dogs with longer coats like Golden Retrievers can start shedding more and the appearance of their coats can change as well.

Do Dobermans Puppies Shed More Than Adult Dogs

There is no real difference in shedding between puppies and adult dogs. They shed at the same rate.

It stands to reason that an adult dog will shed more due to the fact that it is bigger and has more hair to shed.

The only time that a puppy sheds a lot of hair is around 4-6 months when they shed their puppy coat. At this time, you will notice a lot of hair loss.

Doberman Puppy Shedding

Keep in mind that the amount a puppy sheds is not an indication of how much it will shed as an adult.

Some puppies will shed a lot and then shed less when they are adults; other puppies will shed very little but shed a lot as adults. How much your dog will shed as an adult depends on his breed not on his shedding habits as a puppy.

Are Dobermans Hypoallergenic

Dobermans are not a hypoallergenic dog breed. However, keep in mind that there is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog breed as all dogs can cause allergic reactions in people.

Dobermans can cause allergic reactions in people through dander, shedding, and drooling. This is despite the fact that they normally don’t produce high levels of dander, don’t shed excessively, and don’t produce a lot of saliva.

These aspects differ from dog to dog and in some instances can cause problems for people who are allergic to dogs.

The most common allergic reaction to Dobermans stems from the nature of their hair. Dobermans have stiff, short hair that can prick sensitive skin and irritate it.

Do Dobermans Smell

Dobermans are generally a clean breed and don’t tend to smell.  However, if your dog does develop an odor, there may be several reasons for it.

Your dog may have an underlying medical condition, a yeast infection, an ear infection, skin problems or something else. Yeast infections on the skin, the feet, or the ears can result in a rather unpleasant ‘’yeasty’’ smell.

Some dogs also react to the food they are given. Some dogs are sensitive to certain ingredients in dog food, including grains, red meat, and chicken. This may cause the skin to get itchy and smelly.

When your dog drags his bottom on the floor, it might be a sign that he needs his anal glands expressed. He will also have developed a strong fishy smell to warn you of his need.

Doberman Shedding FAQs

Doberman Bathing

What Time of the Year Do They Shed the Most

Dobermans typically experience two shedding seasons per year: spring and fall. During these transitional periods, their coat adapts to changing weather conditions, and they tend to shed more noticeably. This shedding helps them get rid of the old hair and make way for new growth. However, it’s important to note that shedding can occur to some extent throughout the year, but at a lesser rate.

Key information:

  1. Dobermans have shedding seasons in the spring and fall.
  2. Shedding is more noticeable during transitional periods.
  3. Shedding can occur throughout the year, but at a lesser rate.

How Bad Is Doberman Shedding to Deal with

It’s really not a big deal. Dobermans are low to moderate shedders. There is no specific time in the year when they shed more and when the shedding will become a problem for you.

Their hair is short and stiff, so the static in the air doesn’t cause it to cling to clothes or upholstery. You can easily brush any hair off your furniture every couple of days.

To limit the amount of hair that lands indoors, take your dog outside once or twice a week to give him a good brush down. It also helps to wipe his coat with a damp cloth.

Are There Any Specific Grooming Tools For Doberman Shedding

While Dobermans have a short and smooth coat, using the right grooming tools can make a significant difference in managing shedding. A rubber grooming mitt or a slicker brush with fine bristles can effectively remove loose hair from their coat. Additionally, using a shedding blade or a deshedding tool designed for short-haired breeds can help further reduce shedding. It’s important to choose tools that are gentle on their skin and coat to avoid any discomfort.

Key information:

  1. Rubber grooming mitts and slicker brushes are effective for Dobermans.
  2. Shedding blades and deshedding tools designed for short-haired breeds can be useful.
  3. Opt for grooming tools that are gentle on their skin and coat.

How Can I Manage Doberman Shedding

While you can’t completely eliminate shedding in Dobermans, you can manage it effectively by following a few simple steps. Regular grooming plays a crucial role in reducing loose hair and maintaining a healthy coat. Brushing your Doberman’s coat at least once or twice a week helps remove dead hair and prevents it from accumulating around your home. Additionally, providing a balanced diet with essential nutrients promotes healthy skin and coat, minimizing excessive shedding.

Key information:

  1. Regular grooming, including brushing, helps reduce shedding.
  2. A balanced diet with essential nutrients promotes a healthy coat.
  3. Managing shedding involves proactive care and maintenance.

Final Words

Dobermans have four outstanding qualities – they are highly intelligent, very energetic, extremely loyal, and the consummate personal protector.

They have a short, single coat that requires minimal grooming. Their coats mostly come in black with rust marks.

You don’t have to do much to keep a Doberman’s coat in top condition. A healthy diet and regular brushing with a monthly bath will do the trick.

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