Presa Canario vs Cane Corso – Breed Comparison

Because they are both a Mastiff breed, it is very easy to confuse Presa Canario vs Cane Corso, but they are not the same large dog breed.

We will break the two breeds down to examine their differences, including their size and appearance, temperament, health issues, and even the more basic things like life expectancy and intelligence.

There is also the question of whether either big dog breed is dangerous and what you can expect from them.

If you are considering adopting one or the other type of gentle giant,  you should know exactly what you are getting into ahead of time. This breed comparison includes everything you need to know about Presa Canarios and Cane Corsos.

Presa Canario vs Cane Corso: Breeding History

Presa Canario History

Presa Canario

Let’s start by looking at the breeding history of each dog breed. The Presa Canario dogs have been around for a very long time. The breed itself was traditionally used as a guard dog, in addition to a working dog alongside livestock.

Protecting their home is their primary calling. Dogs have a natural tendency toward protecting humans and can even become overprotective if they feel their family is in jeopardy. Appropriately, this breed comes from the Canary Islands, hence the breed’s name.

Historically, the breed has also worked well to handle predators or wild dogs that might threaten their herd or flock. As a result, the breed has been used in dogfighting due to its natural instinct to fight what they feel belongs to them. Unfortunately, the dog breeds associated with Pitbulls are easily stereotyped as such.

Cane Corso

Cane Corso History

Cane Corsos came from Southern Italy originally and were bred for much of the same reason that the Presa Canario does were. Their focus is on guarding, protection, and in general, companionship.

The breed has often been chosen to be the canine companion to police officers as well, making easy, natural partners.

Sometimes the breed has been directly linked to Ancient Greece, but this has not been confirmed or universally acknowledged.

No one knows when the breed first appeared, but it has been around for a long time. The breed itself is related the closeted to the Neapolitan Mastiff, which is one of the biggest dog breeds in the world.

Compared to the Presa Canario, the histories are not very different as the dogs were bred for the same purpose. Both also come from the Mediterranean, so there is the possibility that the breeds were once the same, but that would have been a very long time ago.

Presa Canario vs Cane Corso: Appearance & Size

Presa Canario Appearance

Presa Canario

Of course, when we compare the appearance of the two breeds, they could be easily confused as brothers. The Presa Canario has a muscular and stout body.

Their heads are broad, square, and generally very large. Male Presa Canarios are generally larger than females, standing between 23 and 26 inches, while females stand between 22 and 25 inches tall.

Weight-wise, males can weigh as much as 126 pounds, while females weigh up to 110 pounds.

Presa Canarios also have unique paws that are commonly associated with cats. They even have movements that resemble a cat, even with their large, muscular bodies.

The breed also comes in six different coat colors, but they always have a black mask that will not go above the eyes. His nose and lips are also black.

Like many breeds that fall under the guard dog category, Presa Canarios often have their ears clipped as puppies.

The logic behind this is that the ears could be damaged in a fight with a predator as they defend their livestock, but it is much more likely that the ears are altered so the dog can maintain the guard dog appearance that is popular.

Cane Corso

Cane Corso Appearance

Due to their coloring and the shape of their heads, Cane Corsos are often mistaken for English Mastiffs, but they are not the same breed.

While Mastiffs fall under the same category, they are still different breeds. Looking at the appearance of a Cane Corsos, it is important to note that a Cane Corso is generally taller than a Presa Canario.

The average height of a Cane Corso is between 23 and 28 inches. However, they are lighter than the Presa Canarios, weighing between 88 and 110 pounds.

In addition, Cane Corsos has a longer and wider muzzle than a Presa Canario. They also have their ears cropped, like the Presa Canario, but their tails are docked.

If the ears are not altered, they are long and hang down, much like a Labrador Retriever. The Cane Corso also comes in seven different colors, which are all different colors than the Presa Canario, except both Presa Canarios and Cane Corsos can be fawn floored.

Cane Corsos have dense fur as well, so they are not soft to the touch. They do not shed much as a result and will not require grooming.

Presa Canario vs Cane Corso: Temperament

Presa Canario Temperamenta

Presa Canario

When it comes to temperament, a Presa Canario dog is incredibly intelligent. They are meant to be protectors, so they will be loyal to their humans and try their best to please them as well.

As a dog owner, it will be up to you to demonstrate the strength required to be a pack leader.

Presa Canarios will be affectionate with their immediate families, as in the people they live with and see daily. They are more stand-offish with humans that they do not know well.

This makes the Presa Canario poorly suited for families of young children unless you adopt one when he is very young, and he is socialized with the children right away.

The breed has a high prey drive, meaning they will kick into gear about defending their land and people without giving any real thought to it. They are driven by instinct.

Cane Corso

Cane Corso Temperament

Just like Presa Canarios, Cane Corsos are highly intelligent dogs. They can be trained easily and will remain loyal to their families intensely.

They are the family’s protector and guardian. The breed is also suspicious of outsiders or strangers and will not allow strangers anywhere near his family. It is best to socialize them early and consistently to prevent any mishaps.

Even though they are naturally aloof, they are affectionate with their families and enjoy socializing with their families.

Cane Corsos are gentle and loving with gentle and will not normally see them as a threat. It is also a good idea not to leave young children alone with them because the Cane Corso is a large dog breed and naturally protective.

They love their families immensely, and, as a result, they can suffer from intense separation anxiety if they are left alone for too long. They really need human interaction.

Presa Canario vs Cane Corso: Training & Exercise

Presa Canario Training & Exercise

Presa Canario

When it comes to training and exercise, the Presa Canario is incredibly intelligent and has a lot of confidence as well. This is why it is important to train them as early as possible.

You do not want your pup to develop bad habits that you will have trouble overcoming as he becomes a large dog. This has to do with how you are as a pack leader.

The breed responds well to positive reinforcement training because they are eager to please their humans, but it is still a good idea to have your dog professionally trained.

With obedience training, your Presa Canario can have a high level of discipline that will last him throughout his entire life.

You do not want a dog of this size jumping up at you when trying to serve him dinner. All family members also need to know how to treat your dog, so it is even across the board.

Cane Corso

Seeing that they are an intelligent breed, Cane Corsos really like to test the limits of what they can do. They will look for loopholes in situations and are very clever.

To care for them properly, they need an experienced and mature owner familiar with the needs of the Mastiff breeds.

It is best to have your Cane Corso trained by an experienced professional rather than trying to do it yourself.

Positive reinforcement training is a little too light for these forces of nature but should be your go-to for any kind of disciplinary action that might be required.

With proper training and socialization, the breed quickly becomes loving and affectionate and not as impulsive.

They are eager to please their owners and naturally seek guidance with training. Make sure you exhibit dominant pack traits in yourself as well.

Presa Canario vs Cane Corso: Health Problems

Presa Canario

Generally speaking, Presa Canarios are healthy dogs and do not commonly suffer from any major health issues as an entire breed.

That said, there are still some conditions that you should look at and be aware of if you are considering adopting one of these beautiful dogs.

One of the most common conditions that you will see in this breed is hip dysplasia. This is a condition where the hip has not developed appropriately, and the joint does not fit well together.

The side effects of this condition worsen as your dog ages, so he will become less mobile as time goes on.

One of the most dangerous conditions that Presa Canarios can experience is gastric torsion. This can happen if the dog has eaten a lot of food or exercised vigorously. It is where the stomach twists, which can be fatal if untreated.

Cane Corso

Cane Corso Health Problems

Fortunately, Cane Corsos suffer from the same health conditions as Presa Canarios. On the outside, that means that there is generally not a lot going on that can be dangerous or life-threatening to your dog.

Like the Presa Canarios, Cane Corsos can suffer from hip dysplasia, which is a malformation of the hip joint that causes mobility issues when the dog ages.

They can also experience elbow dysplasia, another type of joint condition that will cause mobility issues.

The most dangerous condition is the same as with a Presa Canario, which is gastric torsion or stomach twisting.

Your vet will likely have to perform surgery to correct this condition. Symptoms to look out for are gagging without vomiting, excessive panting, and a general sense of distress.

One condition that is different for Cane Corso vs. Presa Canario is cardiac concerns. Cane Corsos are more likely to have heart trouble, so keep up with your routine vet visits.

Presa Canario vs Cane Corso: Grooming

Presa Canario

Both dog breeds are relatively easy breeds to groom, but there are a few subtle differences you want to be aware of. Both are light shedders and don’t need regular baths because of their short coats.

You really only need to bathe them once every two months as long as they aren’t incredibly dirty and don’t have a strong odor. Bathing them more frequently than this can strip the natural oils from their skin and cause irritation.

The Presa Canario does not have an undercoat but still lightly sheds year-round. Brush your Presa Canario two to three times weekly to keep their coat looking healthy. Removing dead hair also helps promote new growth.

The Presa Canario is a smooth-coated breed that requires minimal upkeep. The weekly grooming schedule should include shedding control. A rubber curry brush is the best choice for this dog breed because a wire slicker brush can easily scratch their skin due to the lack of an undercoat. Simply brush in circles or quick and short strokes with the grain of the hair.

When it comes to bathing your Presa Canario, place cotton balls in each ear to prevent water from getting in and use a gentle shampoo. When done, dry your pup and use a conditioner that will bring a healthy shine and keep doggy odor at bay.

Cane Corso

Your Cane Corso can be bathed weekly or every six to eight weeks, depending on how dirty he gets. They also have a short coat but are not considered a single-coated breed. They have an undercoat that sheds throughout the year.

Cane Corso’s are still considered low maintenance regarding their grooming needs. Their coat is short and dense and sheds as much as other short-haired dog breeds. Their coat is waterproof with two layers. There is a short and soft undercoat and a coarse and short topcoat.

Since the Cane Corso drools more than other dog breeds, you may need to clean their nose and mouth using a napkin every other day. Their nails must also be trimmed every two weeks with a dog clipper.

Cane Corso vs Presa Canario: Nutrition

Since the nutrition needs of both dogs are so similar, we don’t really have a breed comparison between the two. Instead, we will offer helpful nutrition information and what you should know when feeding your dog.

Both the Cane Corso dog and Presa Canario consume about the same amount of food each day. Each dog breed will consume about three cups of food daily. You must feed them only high-quality food to optimize their overall health and well-being. A high-quality dry dog food specially formulated for a large breed dog is ideal from puppyhood into adolescence and adulthood.

Both breeds also love snacks and treats, but you want to be very careful about how many treats you feed them. You can use treats as a reward when dog training, but don’t give them too many at a time. It can cause your dog to become overweight, putting undue pressure on their joints.

Cane Corso vs Presa Canario Cost

Looking at the price difference between Presa Canario vs. Cane Corso, in general, the breeds cost about the same amount as puppies.

The average cost of a Presa Canario from a reputable breeder is between $1800 and $2000. A Cane Corso puppy can cost between $1500 and $1800.

Presa Canarios are harder to find, which is why they cost more. If you are after a dog that will work a lot rather than being a family member, you can anticipate paying a little more.

Final Words

If you have been looking at whether you should adopt a Presa Canario vs Cane Corso, it is really important that you know what you are getting into. The breeds have a lot of things in common, but they are still different dogs.

Remember that these breeds were meant for guarding or herding livestock. They like to work and be busy. When they are not busy, they will suffer from separation anxiety and become destructive.

Just keep an eye on your dog if you want one, and get him professionally trained right away. Then, you will have a long and happy life with your new dog.

Cane Corso vs Presa Canario FAQ

Are Cane Corso Or Presa Canario Dangerous?

The biggest concern we have seen when adopting a Presa Canario vs Cane Corso is whether the breeds are violent or dangerous. They are not overly aggressive breeds, but they do have incredibly strong bites.

They can be family-friendly if they have been socialized early, but if you are adopting a working dog, you should expect him to work, not snuggle up with you for a movie.

They can be territorial and protective, so keep that in mind when considering adopting one.

Which Breed Is More Intelligent?

When comparing intelligence between a Presa Canario vs Cane Corso, we have to say that both breeds are incredibly intelligent.

They will look for ways to get around boundaries if they have not been properly trained.

Their intelligence will ensure that the dogs are trainable, so you can still have one of these large dogs without worrying that the dog will become aggressive with you or anyone else.

Which Breed Has A Longer Lifespan?

Finally, let’s compare the lifespan of a Cane Corso vs Presa Canario. The Presa Canario weighs more than the Cane Corso and has a slightly shorter lifespan.

The average lifespan of a Presa Canario is between 9 and 11 years. Large breeds never have long lifespans.

A Cane Corso dog lives only a little longer, with a life expectancy between 9 and 12 years. Good nutrition, exercise, and regular vet visits can help extend the lifespan of either dog.

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