Shih Poo Growth Chart – Size & Weight Chart

When you decide to adopt a Shih Poo puppy, you will need to prepare yourself in a lot of different ways, from buying the right kind of food to knowing what to expect as far as the dog’s size will be.

Consulting with a Shih Poo growth chart is one way to help you know whether your pup is growing well, but it will also allow you to get an idea of your dog’s ultimate size.

While based on averages, a growth chart is a good way to help you keep your puppy healthy.

Here is what else we have discovered about the development of Shih Poo puppies.

When Is A Shih Poo Fully Grown? 

Shih Poo Fully Grown

One of the first questions that we have heard over and over is when will you know that your Shih Poo puppy is fully grown?

All dog breeds have different growth speeds, which means that they will reach their final sizes at different times.

Since Shih Poos are smaller dogs, they will reach their adult size at a younger age than large breed dogs do.

A small or toy Shih Poo will finish growing between 6 and 10 months of age. A standard Shih Poo can continue growing up until his first birthday.

But there is a wide range within the average here, so your dog may be done growing anytime between 6 and 12 months old.

Shih Poo Size Chart 

When it comes to using a Shih Poo Weight Chart, it is important to know how they work and how you can use it to help you determine how big your puppy will get.

To begin with, you need to know whether you have a small Shih Poo or a standard Shih Poo since there is a size difference between the two. Regardless, you will use the chart the same way.

First, locate your puppy’s current age on the chart. Then you can follow the chart to find out what the average weight is for that age.

Averages can be tricky because your dog might be much larger or smaller than the average, but still be a healthy size.

You will be able to determine your dog’s final height and weight based on the chart.

On average, a small Shih Poo will be between 6 and 10 inches tall, measuring from shoulder to ground while standing, and between 5 and 13 pounds when fully grown.

By comparison, a standard Shih Poo will be between 11 and 15 inches and 8 and 18 pounds when he is fully grown.

You will notice a little overlap between the two sizes as a standard Shih Poo can still be quite small.

Shih Poo Weight Chart 

Small Shih PooStandard Shih Poo
Weight5 - 13 lbs8 - 18 lbs
Height6 - 10 inch11 - 15 inch
Full Grown6 - 10 months8 - 12 months

Shih Poo Growth Chart – What To Expect

Shih Poo Nutrition

Birth – 2 Weeks

Given that the breed of a Shih Poo is very small, they are especially tiny when they are born, weighing merely a few ounces. They will have their eyes closed when they are born and not be very mobile.

By 2 weeks, they will start to move a little but still, stick with their moms. They will gain weight in the first couple of weeks, but not a ton. They will remain small and reliant on mother’s milk.

3 Weeks – 12 Weeks

There is a ton of growth that happens for Shih Poos between 3 weeks and 12 weeks. To begin with, they will wean off of their mother’s milk usually by 6 weeks of age.

They will then experience a huge growth spurt between 10 and 12 weeks, where they will gain a lot of weight. Their hunger will also increase, but they gain weight easily, so don’t overfeed them.  

4 Months – 9 Months

There is another big growth change that happens between 4 and 9 months of age. Not only will they reach sexual maturity, but some puppies are done growing within this range.

Shih Poos are small dogs, which means that they will achieve their final height earlier than larger dogs.

Your pup might continue growing beyond the 9 months, however. Even if your puppy reaches his final height, he may still have some weight to gain. 

10 Months – 18 Month

With Shih Poo puppies, you can rest assured they will be absolutely done growth between 10 and 18 months of age.

They should have stopped growing altogether and have weaned off of puppy food, in favor of adult foods.

Shih Poo Diet

You should be getting your puppy spayed or neutered at this age if you didn’t do it sooner. They will be at full developmental maturity and you do not need to wait any longer.  


When you are looking at a Shih Poo growth chart, the adult weight should be the endpoint of the chart. This will tell you what the dogs should weigh as adults and they should not grow beyond that.

Some dogs may gain weight, but as long as you pay attention to that, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about. Your dog will stop growing, but his activity level will decline as he ages. 

How Big Do Shih Poos Get? 

When you are trying to get an idea about how big your Shih Poo puppy will wind up, the first thing to check with is a Shih Poo size chart.

But, that is not the only thing that you can use to get an idea of how large that your puppy will wind up.

If you can get a look at the puppy’s parents, that is another great way to get an idea how large your puppy will be, since your dog is likely to wind up a similar size.

Paws can be another indicator as dogs need to grow into their paws, but Shih Poos are small enough that this is not a good way to know.

The final hint to help you get an idea of your dog’s size is to use a DNA test.

These are either saliva or blood tests that look for clues in your dog’s genetic history to determine his history.

Will Neutering/Spaying My Shih Poo Affect His Growth? 

The traditional order of things when it comes to puppies is to spay or neuter them as they approach maturity, preventing them from reaching full maturity.

In recent years, however, it was determined that it might be a good idea to wait to have your dog fixed.

The logic behind doing it early is that you will prevent unwanted dog pregnancy, can prevent some types of cancer, and prevent your dog from running off.

Shih Poo Puppy Weight Chart

When a dog strays, especially one as small as a Shih Poo, there is a risk of the dog being harmed by predators or hit by cars.

It was found that waiting to have your dog fixed can prevent joint issues in large breed dogs.

Since Shih Poos are not large breeds and reach maturity at a young age, it doesn’t really apply to them.

Shih Poo Height Chart 

In addition to looking at a Shih Poo weight chart, you should check out a Shih Poo height chart. They function much in the same way, where you would track where your puppy is in age with where he is in height.

It can be tricky to measure height, as you will need to have your puppy standing on all-fours long enough to get a good measurement from his shoulder to the ground, but that is how it is done. You might need your vet to help here.

While many breeds do have height differences between males and females, in Shih Poos, the difference is negligible. Small Shih Poos can reach a height between 6 and 10 inches, while standard Shih Poos can reach a height of 11 to 15 inches.

Maltipoo vs Shih Poo Size 

Both the Maltipoo and the Shih Poo are small dogs that the same type of dog owner is attracted to, but they are not the same breed.

After all, a Maltipoo is a mix between a Maltese and a miniature poodle while a Shih Poo is a mix between a Shih Tzu and a miniature poodle.

In general, you could say that the Maltipoo is bigger than the Shih Poo, but this is not always the case. It really comes down to how large the parents of the pups are, so if you have a smaller poodle with a Maltese, your puppy might be smaller than a Shih Poo.

It varies a lot. The average height of a Maltipoo ranges from 10 to 18 inches, compared to the Shih Poo who ranges between 8 and 13 inches.

The two breeds have a ton in common, including being non-shedding dogs and their coats do differ in color.

Factors That Affect Shih Poo Growth 

Genetics & Gender

Genetics and gender are both big factors that determine your Shih Poo puppy’s final weight. Generally, female dogs are smaller than males, but the difference is pretty small in Shih Poos.

Genetics, however, play a bigger role. Dogs generally reflect their breeding, so if your puppy’s parents are smaller, your puppy will likely be smaller.

Since Shih Poos are a mixed breed, the combination of the dogs will also affect the size outcome.  


All puppies need to have good nutrition in order to grow properly, but the question is whether nutrition affects growth. The answer is not so simple.

Shih Poo Development

On the one hand, puppies will generally grow to their determined size regardless of nutrition.

They can become obese or underweight if they are not fed properly, however, which can cause chronic health conditions that can interfere with their bones and longevity and may impact their ability to stand tall.

Physical Activity & Health

It is so important to keep your dog physically active to keep their quality of life up and increase their longevity, but generally, it should not affect their growth.

Overweight, under-exercised dogs will have too much weight put on their joints that can lead to growth problems, however. It is super important to keep up with your dog’s vet visits and vaccinations as well. This will encourage proper growth in your puppy.  

What If My Shih Poo Is Not The Right Weight 

One of the biggest concerns that any dog owner can suffer from is wondering what to do if their dog is not at the right weight.

If you have looked at the growth chart and do not see your dog’s weight on it you may worry, but there may be no reason to worry.

To begin with, your dog may be smaller than the average dog. As long as he stays on his growth curve, it doesn’t matter that he is smaller.

 Shih Poo Growth Chart

Puppies also go through weight fluctuations as they go through growth spurts, so sometimes your dog will seem smaller than he should be.

Ultimately, if you are worried about your dog’s weight, you should talk to your vet for guidance.

It is not a good idea to increase or decrease your puppy’s food without consulting with your vet about any concerns that she might have.

Shih Poo Genetics And Common Health Problems 

Unfortunately, all dogs are prone to develop certain health problems over time, regardless of whether it is genetic or age-related.

There are some conditions that dogs will be more likely to develop, depending on the breed. Shih Poos are no exception to the rule.

As Shih Poos are a mix between Poodles and Shih Tzus, you could say that they would be susceptible to any of the conditions that either breed has a risk of getting.

In reality, having a mixed breed means that they are less likely to develop any because the line has not been overbred to the point that genetic issues are common.

The biggest genetic concern that you should watch out for when it comes to your Shih Poo is obesity.

Unfortunately, all small breeds have a bigger chance of developing it as it takes a lot less for it to happen with them. But, with a controlled diet and plenty of exercise, this is a condition you can avoid.

Final Words 

It is always incredibly important to know what to expect when you are adopting a dog of any breed, Shih Poos included.

Consulting with a Shih Poo weight chart is a good way to understand how big your dog should be, how healthy his weight is, and it will allow you to see your dog’s growth curve and whether he is staying on it.

Shih Poos are such a sweet breed to adopt. With their small and easily portable size, they make excellent companions.

As long as you know what to expect with the breed before adopting, you will have a long happy life together.

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