Goldendoodle Growth Chart – Standard, Medium & Mini Goldendoodle Size Chart

Goldendoodles have risen as one of the more popular breeds out there. This mix between a golden retriever and a standard poodle has a reputation for their good-natured intelligence, and their tendency to be hypoallergenic, making them an excellent option for families.

If you have adopted or are planning on adopting a Goldendoodle puppy, you will naturally want to know what to expect as far as their size and growth needs are.

Beyond looking through a Goldendoodle size chart, what else should you know about a Goldendoodle’s growth?

We have broken down everything that you will want and need to know about your new best friend.

When Do Goldendoodles Stop Growing?

When Do Golden Doodles Stop Growing

If you are wondering when is a Goldendoodle full-grown, you are not the only one. After all, it is incredibly important to know when you can expect your pup to slow down in foot intake and puppy-like behaviors.

Luckily, our Goldendoodle growth chart below can help you monitor your puppy’s growth.

To begin with, all Goldendoodles will stop growing at a variety of ages. In general, your dog should be done growing right around a year and a half of age.

They might reach their final height sooner, maybe around 12 months, but they should continue to gain weight until at least a year and a half.

Some Goldendoodles will still continue to grow past that 18 month part, making it to 20 or 22 months before finally stopping growing.

Since they are a large breed of dog, it will take them longer to reach their full size than smaller breeds do.

Goldendoodle Size Chart

Goldendoodle Size

Mini Goldendoodle Size Chart

If you are wondering how to use the mini Goldendoodle size chart to determine your Goldendoodle’s weight, you will just need to follow your pup’s age in weeks and reach what the average weight of your dog should be.

For example, if your mini Goldendoodle is 12 weeks old, you can expect him to weigh around 12 pounds. When your pup is 36 weeks old, he should weigh right around 27 pounds.

Remember that this is entirely an estimate, however, and your dog’s actual weight will depend on your dog’s genetics as well as nutrition and health.  

Medium Goldendoodle Size 

Naturally, medium Goldendoodles are going to be bigger than miniature Goldendoodles.

Your medium Goldendoodle will weigh around 20 pounds at 12 weeks of age, showing that they are already a good deal larger than the minis are.

Likewise, at 36 weeks, a medium Goldendoodle will weigh around 40 pounds on average. These are averages, however, and your dog might weigh slightly more or less. As long as your dog stays on his growth curve, you have nothing to worry about.

Standard Goldendoodle Size 

Finally, Standard Goldendoodles are the biggest of all the types of Goldendoodles out there.

Like we mentioned above, keep your dog on his growth curve to ensure he is healthy. When your Standard Goldendoodle is 12 weeks old, you can expect him to weigh 30 pounds already.

By 36 weeks old, your pup should weigh around 55 pounds, showing how much bigger these dogs are.

Goldendoodle Weight Chart

Age Mini GoldendoodleMedium GoldendoodleStandard Goldendoodle
2 months10 lbs15 lbs22 lbs
3 months12 lbs20 lbs26 lbs
4 months 19 lbs 25 lbs36 lbs
5 months20 lbs30 lbs40 lbs
6 months23 lbs33 lbs45 lbs
7 months25 lbs36 lbs50 lbs
8 months26 lbs39 lbs53 lbs
9 months27 lbs41 lbs55 lbs
10 months28 lbs43 lbs56 lbs
11 months29 lbs43 lbs57 lbs
1 year29 lbs44 lbs58 lbs

How Big Do Goldendoodles Get?

When you are trying to work out how large of a dog your puppy will be, there are a few things that you can do to work that out. Remember that even then, it is always just a guess as to your dog’s final size.

You can even have a DNA test done to help you determine what your dog’s weight will be when he’s done growing.

Normally, you will be able to follow your dog’s growth chart to get an idea of where your dog is going to end up as far as weight goes.

Dogs, like humans, follow a growth pattern and should stick with their growth curve. That way, you can look at our Goldendoodle growth chart and know how big your dog will be, based on how big he is now.

If your dog is falling off of his growth curve, you can try to work out what went wrong and how to help get your dog back on track.

Goldendoodle Growth Chart â€“ What To Expect

When Is A Goldendoodle Full Grown

Birth – 2 Weeks

At birth, Goldendoodle puppies weigh right around a pound. In the first 2 weeks of age, the puppies will double in their weight. They live exclusively with their mothers at this age and rely solely on their mothers for nourishment.

They should not leave their sleeping area and are likely to sleep throughout the day. Because of weight fluctuations after birth, you cannot use a birth weight to accurately guess a dog’s adult weight.  

3 Weeks – 12 Weeks

When your puppy is between 3 weeks and 12 weeks of age, you can expect a massive growth spurt. The puppies will go from barely moving to running like crazy in a short period of time.

While they only weigh a couple pounds at 3 weeks of age, when they are 12 weeks old, you can expect them to weigh as much as 25 pounds. Their appetite will skyrocket as well, requiring a lot of puppy food.

4 Months – 6 Months

Between 4 and 6 months of age, your puppy will experience a ton more growth and a larger appetite. Your puppy should weigh around 45 pounds by the time that he is 6 months old.

Goldendoodle Development

This is getting toward the end of the most dramatic growth spurts as well, so the growth will begin to taper off, as will his appetite. If he is falling off of his growth curve, you will need to try to figure out why.

7 Months – 9 Months

Your Goldendoodle puppy should weigh around 50 pounds at 7 months of age, growing to about 55 pounds by 9 months.

His weight gain should be slowing down pretty dramatically at this point, so you will not see your puppy just suddenly grow a ton overnight. He should only be fed two meals a day at this point as well, but you should still be feeding him puppy food at this point.  

10 Months – 12 Months

When your Goldendoodle has reached 10 months of age, his growth will have definitely slowed down. He should weigh around 60 pounds by that point, but may not gain a lot of weight in between 10 and 12 months.

His appetite should have slowed down and you should still be feeding him puppy food right up until his first birthday when you can start to transition him to adult dog food.


As we mentioned above, a Goldendoodle can continue growing right up to his second birthday. The final weight for a Goldendoodle will vary dramatically between dogs and types of Goldendoodles.

The Standard Goldendoodle can weigh up to 90 pounds, if they happen to lean more on the side of the Standard Poodle, but can also be substantially smaller than that. Since the minis and medium Goldendoodles are so much smaller, their final weights can be between 50 and 70 pounds.

Goldendoodle Weight Chart

Will Neutering/Spaying Affect My Goldendoodle’s Growth?

Spaying and neutering are procedures commonly performed in veterinary clinics where the reproductive organs of dogs are surgically removed. The common age to neuter or spay your Goldendoodle is between 6 to 9 months.

Spaying has several great benefits to your puppy’s health such as minimizing the risk of mammary cancer, pyometra, and preventing pregnancy in females.

On the other hand, neutering prevents breeding, reduces the risk of testicular cancer, and minimizes aggressive behavior in males.

However, spaying and neutering can affect the growth of your Goldendoodle if done too early because the growth plates have not yet closed, and growth hormones depend on reproductive hormones.

Goldendoodle Height Chart

Measuring your Goldendoodle’s height is important when showing them in shows or when assessing how much they have grown over time.

The measurement of your puppy’s height should be from the ground to the withers (the highest point between your puppy’s shoulder blades).

To get an accurate measurement of your puppy’s height, let them stand straight against a wall and then feel their withers.

Place a carpenter’s level across your puppy’s withers with the end touching the wall and mark the lower point using a pencil. Then measure from the ground to the level mark and this is your puppy’s height.

On average, the height of a female Goldendoodle is around 21.5 to 22.5 inches while the height of a male Goldendoodle is around 23 to 24 inches.

How To Properly Weigh And Measure A Goldendoodle?

Weighing your Goldendoodle will help you to monitor their weight as they grow. It is recommended that you weigh your puppy twice per year or more especially if they have health conditions.

You can measure your Goldendoodle’s weight at home using your bathroom scale.

To weigh your puppy, pick them up, hold them close to the center of your body, and step on the scale. Record the number and slowly put your puppy on the ground.

Then, step on the scale, weigh yourself without the puppy, and record the number on the scale. Subtract your weight from the first measurement (the weight of you holding the puppy) and this is your puppy’s weight.

Labradoodle vs Goldendoodle Size

Labradoodles and Goldendoodles both vary in size, but the standard and medium-size Goldendoodles are larger than the Labradoodle equivalent.

The Labradoodle standard size has a height of between 22 and 24 inches and weighs between 50 and 65 pounds, while the smaller medium size weighs between 30 to 45 pounds with a height of around 18 to 20 inches.

Goldendoodles have a greater range of sizes. The toy size weighs between 10 and 25 pounds with a height of 15 or fewer inches. The miniature size weighs between 25 and 35 pounds with a height of around 15 and 17 inches.

The medium size weighs between 35 and 50 pounds with a height of about 17 and 20 inches. The Standard Goldendoodle weighs between 50 and 90 pounds and has a height of between 20 to 26 inches.

What Is A Goldendoodle’s Neck Size?

Goldendoodle Neck Size

Measuring your Goldendoodle’s neck will help you determine the size of the collar you should buy them to ensure it is comfortable and secure. An easy way to measure your puppy’s neck is to use the cable of your phone charger.

Hold the end of the cable between your thumb and finger then wrap the other side of the cable around the thickest part of your puppy’s neck.

Slide two fingers between the cable and the neck to ensure the cable is secure and not tight.

Let go of the cable end and mark the spot where the end of the charger meets the cord using your finger. Take a measuring tape and measure from the end of the cable to the spot you marked, and this is your puppy’s neck.

On average, the neck size of a Miniature Goldendoodle is between 14 and 16 inches while that of a Standard Goldendoodle is between 16 and 22 inches.

Goldendoodle Body Condition Score (BCS)

Body Condition Score is a quantitative method used to measure the level of fat in your puppy. BCS scales range from 1 to 5 and 1 to 9. You need palpation and visualization to assign a Body Condition Score to your Goldendoodle.

Start by looking at your puppy from above to see if its waistline is visible. Then, let them sit down on the floor and look from the side to see if they have an abdomen tuck. To palpate your puppy, feel its ribs using your fingers.

The ideal BCS score for your Goldendoodle puppy should be 3/5 or 5/9. This is where you can feel the ribs of your puppy with only a thin layer of fat covering them, and the waistline and tummy tuck is visible.

How To Help Your Goldendoodle Lose Weight If He Is Overweight

An overweight Goldendoodle means that they have an hourglass figure between their hips, waistline, and ribs. Their tummy should also be tucked in and not bulge outward.

If your puppy is overweight, you should take them to the vet because there could be a medical condition affecting their weight.

To help your puppy lose weight, follow the steps below:

  • Feed them healthy dog food from reputable brands.
  • Reduce the number of calories you are feeding them.
  • Keep them active by taking them on a walk, jog, or hike.
  • Feed them fruits and vegetables instead of commercial treats.

Factors That Affect Goldendoodle Puppy Growth 


Genetics is one of the biggest factors that come into play with how big your puppy is going to be. Both Golden Retrievers and Standard Poodles are large dogs, and you will therefore have a large dog when both are mixed together.

If you happen to have a medium or a mini Goldendoodle instead, you will need to know that genetics will dictate the final size of your dog.

You cannot guess a dog’s final weight based off of birth weight, but you should be able to get a better idea about your dog’s final weight as he really begins to grow. 


Just like with humans, nutrition is a huge factor when it comes to size and growth. If your dog is eating more food daily than he requires, he is going to become overweight.

Unhealthy dog foods that contain fillers can also affect your puppy’s growth as he is more likely to grow outward and less likely to grow upward.

Goldendoodle Nutrition

When a puppy is malnourished during development, his growth may not be stunted, but his joints may not have received the minerals that they needed to be strong.  

Physical Activity & Health

Finally, physical activity and overall health will affect the size of your dog. If your puppy is overeating without getting enough exercise, you might be putting undue pressure on the pup’s joints, resulting in other issues later in life.

Likewise, if your dog has a congenital defect, he might not be able to grow as well as some other dogs. You should take your dog to the vet routinely to monitor your pup’s overall health.

What If My Goldendoodle Is Not The Right Weight

If you are looking through the Goldendoodle weight chart and realize that your dog is not the correct weight when compared to other dogs of the same age, don’t panic.

There are many reasons that your dog might not be on a growth chart. The first thing to remember is that the Goldendoodle size chart is made up of averages and the weights on there might not be appropriate for your dog.

If your dog has fallen off of his growth curve, then that is a little bit different. If your dog is not eating as much as he was before and has begun to lose weight, that might be cause for concern and you need to see your vet right away.

If your dog is heavier than his growth curve, look at his waist and see if you can see it. Overweight dogs lose their waistline. Up your dog’s exercise and watch how much food he is getting if your dog is overweight.

How Many Puppies Do Goldendoodles Have?

While many larger breeds often have litters up to 11 puppies or so, this is not the case with Goldendoodles. On average, they have between three and eight puppies in a litter.

Goldendoodle Puppy Weight Chart

They can still have more than that or even fewer than three puppies at a time. Even if your dog has previously had a large litter of puppies, each pregnancy is different and you might find yourself with only a pup or two with the next litter.

The amount varies just as much as it can in other animals and has more to do with genetics than anything else.

What Is The Life Expectancy Of A Goldendoodle?

Goldendoodles will live as long as the average Golden Retriever and Standard Poodle, which is between 10 and 15 years. Larger breed dogs rarely make it beyond the 15 mark, if they are lucky to reach that at all.

Remember that their life expectancy can be improved by adequate care, including good exercise, healthy food, and routine vet visits.

While there are many things that you do not have control over, like your dog developing health issues like cancer that will interfere with his lifespan. Stay in control where you have it and feed him plenty of healthy food.

Goldendoodle Genetics And Common Health Problems

Goldendoodles are definitely a wonderful breed of dog to have, but they are not without their fair share of health issues. Nearly all dog breeds have some kind of health issue to be aware of or contend with.

In Goldendoodles, this includes hip dysplasia, which will require a lot of rest to keep your pup out of pain. Goldendoodles are also prone to cataracts, which can be corrected, and Addison’s Disease, which cannot.

Regardless there are no major common health issues that would affect your dog automatically, just be aware of the potential for issues and work with your vet to prevent them.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a growth chart for Goldendoodles, and why should owners use one?

Goldendoodle growth charts are a useful tool for owners to track their puppy’s development. It enables owners to check their puppy’s development and can let you know if there are any possible issues.

How big is a Goldendoodle puppy at six months old?

A Goldendoodle puppy is between 25 and 45 pounds and 14 to 20 inches in height when they are six months old.

What factors can affect a Goldendoodle’s growth and development?

Genetics, diet, physical activity, and the environment can affect a Goldendoodle’s growth and development.

How long does it take a Goldendoodle to reach adult size?

A Goldendoodle grows to its full adult size between the ages of 12 and 18 months. But this can change depending on things like genetics, nutrition, and activity.

If my Goldendoodle puppy isn’t developing as expected, what should I do?

You should take your Goldendoodle puppy to a vet for a checkup if you’re having concerns. The veterinarian may recognize issues and give advice to promote normal growth and development.

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